Dietary fibre
Dietary fibre or roughage increase the feeling of fullness, and have been shown to lower cholesterol levels. They also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and atherosclerosis and can prevent chronic constipation. Dietary fibres are not degradable by our own body´s enzymes. That is why dietary fibres serve as useful nutrients for numerous probiotic bacteria of our gut flora and are also called prebiotics.
“Eat salad more regularly and cook for yourself using fresh vegetables.”
Dietary fibres occur as storage carbohydrates in various plants and are thus apparent in vegetables. Cooking destroys fibre, so raw vegetables contain more fibre than cooked vegetables.
Vegetables with high dietary fibre content
- Kale
- White cabbage or red cabbage
- Brussels sprouts (cooked)
- Chicory
- Celery
- Asparagus (boiled)
- Broccoli (also raw!)
- Cauliflower (also raw!)
- Radishes
- Carrots
- Leeks
- Onions
- Kohlrabi
Also whole grain cereals contain a substantial amount of fibre:
Whole grain cereals with high fibre content
- Whole grain cereals (cooked)
- Soya beans
- Wheat, amaranth, buckwheat
- Barley (grains of pearl barley), spelt, green spelt
- Quinoa, unprocessed rice
- Wholemeal flour
- Cereals (see above, whole grain cereals)
- Bran (e.g., in cereal or homemade bread)
- Wheat bran, oat bran
- Whole grain oats
Try to eat salad more regularly and cook for yourself using fresh vegetables and whole grain cereals as often as possible! Increasing dietary fibre also means to reduce the consumption of processed foods and fast food, as they usually have low fibre content.
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