
Gut flora related health issues

Intestinal infections and antibiotic use can lead to a disbalanced or a damaged gut flora. A disbalanced or a damaged gut flora can lead to different gut flora related health issues. On the one hand, health issues connected to our digestion can result from a disbalanced or a damaged gut flora. But even health issues you would not think of in the first place can be related to a disbalanced or a damaged gut flora.

These health issues can be related to a disbalanced or a damaged gut flora

  • Food intolerances, like:
  • Digestive disorders, like:
    • Excessive bloating
    • Chronic constipation
    • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Digestive diseases, like:
  • Other diseases, like:
    • Vaginal and urinary tract infections
    • Headache and Migraine
    • Allergies

Infections by pathogenic microorganisms

Pathogenic yeasts, enterobacteria, and the bacterium Clostridium difficile are amongst the most frequent intestinal infections with “bad” pathogenic microorganisms that lead to a disbalanced gut flora. Due to a disbalanced or damaged gut flora, poisoning phenomena can occur when certain metabolic end products and toxins from pathogenic microorganisms can´t be transported away quickly enough.

“Pathogenic yeasts, enterobacteria, and the bacterium
Clostridium difficile are the most frequent
intestinal infections of the human gut”

The good news is that you can attenuate the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms by using probiotic products during gut restoration. Certain probiotic strains are beneficial for certain intestinal infections, as shown in clinical trials.

Antibiotics can damage your gut flora

Almost every person has once (or much more often) been treated with antibiotics. Although antibiotics are indispensable in fighting certain bacterial infections, oral antibiotics can also harm the bacteria of our gut flora.

“Use of antibiotics can lead to a syndrome called
antibiotic-associated diarrhoea”

Damage to the gut flora after use of antibiotics can lead to a syndrome called antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (or colitis). The result is a disbalanced or damaged gut flora, where certain bacteria are almost extinct. Interestingly, 95% of all antibiotic-associated diarrhoea can be significantly attenuated by the use of the right probiotic bacteria.

“95% of all antibiotic-associated diarrhoea can be improved
by the use of the right probiotic bacteria”

In most cases, a gut flora that is damaged by antibiotics can recover within a few weeks (“on its own”). However, with repeated or prolonged antibiotic treatment, certain bacteria species may be extinct and the physiological gut flora might become permanently damaged. The resulting dysbiosis after prolonged use of antibiotics can lead to permanent, chronic diarrhoea. The good news is that a damaged gut flora can be rebuilt through the use of probiotic products.

Symptoms of an impaired intestinal function

A disbalanced or damaged gut flora, can lead to an impaired intestinal function. Interestingly, an impaired intestinal function can have very different effects on the whole body. One the one hand, symptoms which have an effect on the gut or the digestion itself – e.g. abdominal pain, digestive disorders of any kind, or food intolerances – are obviously included.

On the other hand, there may be symptoms of an impaired intestinal function present that would not be associated with the gut at the first place. These symptoms include an increased susceptibility to infections, chronic inflammation, allergies, vaginal and urinary tract infections, headache, migraine, or simply being overweight or underweight.

All these symptoms can also be related to the abdominal brain and the gut associated lymphatic tissue (GALT).

How to restore a disbalanced or a damaged gut flora?

The good news is that a disbalanced or damaged gut flora can be restored by the use of the right probiotic products. If you want to perform a gut restoration yourself, you can visit the website www.gutrestoration.com. On this website, you will find 30 DAYS GUT RESTORATION PROGRAMs for gut restoration, that exactly use these probiotic strains that have shown substantial beneficial effects in the treatment of certain gut flora related health issues in clinical trials.

If you want to know more about food intolerances, read more here