About Me

I am a naturopath, trained biochemist and molecular biologist. In my health blog, which I named DR. SEBASTIAN´s HEALTH BLOG, I want to provide vital information on health topics.

The ultimate goal of this health blog is to enable YOU – my reader – to increase your energy in your daily life. Even when you are not sick, there is always some room for improvement for your own wellbeing. It is actually relatively easy to increase your energy in your daily life by simple, small changes in your lifestyle. Your nutrition and your physical activity are the most important tools you have in your hand in order to improve your wellbeing, energy and health.

If you want to book a private consultation, please contact me here.

You need to make sure that you are eating the right food and vary your meals to get enough energy, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and healthy fatty acids. Therefore, fruits and especially vegetables, fish, sea food and the right oils play a key role in your everyday nutrition.

To support your energy flow, you also need to make sure you are physically active regularly. No matter what kind of sports you do, you need to move regularly. For some people, going for a long walk twice a week might do the job. Others might want a little bit more workout or need competition in their sport to free themselves from the stress in their work life.

The good news is: there is the right kind of sports for you as well! You just need to be aware that your body needs physical activity regularly to feel happy.

If you want to know more about how I work, please read more me here.

Wenn Du mehr darüber wissen möchtest wie ich arbeite, lese bitte hier weiter.


In recent years, I have come to know both the language of science and the language of medicine. I recognised that disorders and diseases often require holistic solutions. The ultimate goal of holistic solutions in medicine is to achieve a maximum of therapeutic success. This requires the interdisciplinary cooperation of different disciplines to efficiently cure disease, as for example the extremely complex disease cancer. Holistic approaches should use and combine the latest scientific findings of different fields like conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayuverda, alternative medicine, and last but not least natural sciences.

But even if you are not sick: You have got the possibility to gain more energy! It is very easy to do it if you know the tools and once you have got them in your hands, you can do so much to support your own wellbeing. This can radically change your life.

Career path

For many years I have been dealing with the topic of cancer. I studied biochemistry and molecular biology in Hannover and Hamburg. Afterwards, I completed my PhD in natural sciences at the Research Centre for Childhood Cancer in Hamburg, Germany. Then I went to England to study certain pathways in acute myeloid leukaemia at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research. My professional career pathway brought me back to Germany, where I led the Department of Molecular Genetic Diagnostics in a haematological routine diagnostic laboratory.

In 2015, I started my formation as naturopath at the German Paracelsus School in Hannover, Germany. Since July 2017, I am a registered German naturopath (“Heilpraktiker”) and I am recognised as “professional naturópata” in Spain, too.

Curriculum vitae

Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Prall, Heilpraktiker, born on 30.10.1978 in Germany

2017 – Professional naturópata (registered naturopath in Spain, awarded by OCN FENACO”)

2017 – Heilpraktiker (registered naturopath in Germany)

2016 Specialisation on topics like holistic cancer therapy, nutrition, and the human gut flora

2015 Formation as naturopath at the German Paracelsus School in Hannover, Germany

2014 Head of the Department of Molecular Genetic Diagnostics, Haematology, University Hospital Cologne, Germany

2010-2012 Cancer Research as PostDoc at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

2010 Doctor of Natural Sciences (PhD), Research Centre Children’s Cancer Center Hamburg, University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

2005 – Diploma in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

1998 – High school degree, Gymnasium Kaiser Friedrich Ufer, Hamburg, Germany