
Gut cleansing

Gut cleansing is the first step of gut restoration. During gut restoration, gut cleansing serves to prepare for rebuilding your gut flora. By performing a gut cleansing you are creating a niche that enables probiotic bacteria to settle in your gut.

“Gut cleansing serves to create a niche that enables
probiotic bacteria to settle in your gut”

Gut cleansing is also an excellent alternative to fasting for those who don´t want, can´t, shouldn´t, or are not allowed to do fasting. Furthermore, gut cleansing is also a great way to “detox”, which means the detoxification of foreign substances (intestinal alcohols, toxins, and acids).

“Gut cleansing is great for detox and an
excellent alternative to fasting”

If you are doing a whole rebuilding of your gut flora, you only need 1 to 3 days for a gut cleansing before you start rebuilding your gut flora. However, if you do a gut cleansing as an alternative to fasting or to detox, you can extend gut cleansing up to one week.

Gut cleansing involves four basic methods

  • Mechanical colon cleansing
  • Saline cleansing
  • Fungicidal treatment
  • Intestinal flushing

Mechanical colon cleansing

Mechanical cleansing of the intestines can be achieved by using a diet rich in fibres. You can probably imagine how these fibres scrape along the intestinal wall during the intestinal passage and thus cleanse the old excrement deposits in your gut mechanically.

Saline cleansing

Saline cleansing is done by using laxative salts. These salts are used medically for the symptomatic treatment of constipation and whilst fasting for detoxification of foreign substances. They support the natural detox processes and can remove drugs like Paracetamol from your body.

“Saline cleansing supports the natural detox processes”

Similar to mechanical cleansing, these salts are flushing the intestinal wall during the intestinal passage and cleanse fine excrement deposits in your gut, that have not been removed by mechanical colon cleansing.

Saline cleansing can be done with

  • Glauber salt (sodium sulphate, Na2SO4) or
  • Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate, MgSO4).

Fungicidal treatment

The purpose of the fungicidal treatment is to kill fungus, like the yeast Candida albicans, in your gut or at least to limit its spread. In addition to bacteria, various fungi are found in the digestive tract, like moulds (Aspergillus), yeasts such as baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces) or Candida species (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, and Candida tropicalis). According to estimates by the German Nutrition Society (DGE), about 75% of the population has the Candida albicans yeast in or on their bodies.

“Fungicidal treatment kills fungus in your guts”

Higher amounts of Candida albicans in our gut flora can lead to bloating (by the fermentation of carbohydrates to carbon dioxide), especially after eating sweet food (simple carbohydrates). In addition, the formation of metabolic products can get out of hand and can damage the liver and affect our brain function.

Colonic irrigation

One of the purposes of gut cleansing is to create space in the gut that enables physiological gut bacteria to settle in your gut. In the course of gut restoration, it can therefore be useful to flush the gut to cleanse the old excrement deposits in the large intestine.

The following methods of colonic irrigation are used

  • Enema
  • Colon hydrotherapy
  • Orthograde colonic irrigation

During colonic irrigation by enema, you are actually flushing mainly the anus, the rectum, and only a small part of the colon, although it is called colonic irrigation. However, only the last 50 cm of the large intestine are flushed by colonic irrigation by enema. Whether this actually serves to restore your gut flora is not proven. I explicitly emphasise that a bowel rinse is not a must for successful gut cleansing!

“Colonic irrigation is not a must for successful gut cleansing”

Colon hydrotherapy (CHT) is a further development of an enema. It is not only a flush, but a real rinse, because the liquid can run in and out at the same time and can be discharged. The basic principle is as follows: as with an enema, fluid flows into the anus via a hose and an intestinal tube. In contrast to the enema, there is a second hose within the first one through which the liquid and the excrements can be derived. That’s why there is no stool urgency.

“Colon hydrotherapy achieves a better cleansing
than colonic irrigation by enema”

It is likely, that colon hydrotherapy is able to achieve a better cleansing than colonic irrigation by enema. Possibly, colon hydrotherapy is able to rinse a larger of the colon and remove more excrement deposits in from your gut. At least the last 80 cm of the large intestine are flushed by colon hydrotherapy. However, colon hydrotherapy takes about one hour and costs between 60 to 80 euros.

If you want to know more about rebuilding your gut flora, read more here