Rebuilding your gut flora
Rebuilding your gut flora is the first step of gut restoration. You will start rebuilding your gut flora, shortly after starting gut cleansing. The reason is that gut cleansing should first create a niche that makes it easier for the probiotic bacteria to settle in your gut.
Once this niche is created, you can start rebuilding your gut flora and fill the created niche with “good” physiological bacteria (probiotics and fermented foods) and create perfect conditions for them to colonise your gut at the same time. Therefore, prebiotics will support rebuilding your gut flora because they serve probiotic bacteria as food source.
“By rebuilding your gut flora you introduce probiotic
bacteria into your intestines and create perfect
conditions for them to colonise your gut”
Rebuilding your gut flora is based on the following tools
- Probiotics with living or viable bacteria (“good” physiological bacteria)
- Fermented foods contain a mix of many different probiotic bacteria
- Prebiotics serve probiotics as food source
The choice of the appropriate probiotic or fermented food is a central aspect of rebuilding your gut flora and depends on the gut flora related health issue that needs to be improved. According to clinical trials, certain probiotic strains have shown substantial beneficial effects in the treatment of certain gut flora related health issues.
“The choice of the appropriate probiotic is a central
aspect of rebuilding your gut flora”
If you want to know more about probiotic strains have shown substantial beneficial effects in the treatment of certain gut flora related health issues or want to perform a gut restoration yourself, you can visit the website www.gutrestoration.com.
“Gut restoration needs to use exactly these probiotic strains
that have shown beneficial effects in the treatment of
gut flora related health issues in clinical trials”
On this website, you will find 30 DAYS GUT RESTORATION PROGRAMs for gut restoration, that exactly use these probiotic strains that have shown substantial beneficial effects in the treatment of certain gut flora related health issues in clinical trials.
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